Nombre del texto Name of text Dos_Hermanos
Xiica hapx iiqui cojocam
Dos hermanos se fueron enojados
Two brothers went away angry
Texto y grabación Text and recording Original recording (digitalized) (WAV)
Edited recording (WAV)
Edit recording (WAV)
Interlinearized text (PDF)
Narrador Narrator Roberto Herrera Marcos (T.)
Persona quien obtuvo la grabación Person who obtained the recording Edward Moser
Fecha de la grabación Date of recording 1957 (Desemboque, Sonora)
Otro Other

Moser, Edward W. 1957. Seri text. Work Papers Volume of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota. [Five pages, unnumbered].

Moser, Edward W. 1962. The two brothers who went away angry: A Seri legend. Tlalocan 4: 157-60. (Slightly different version than the one included here.)

Romero, Chico y otros. 1975. Zix ctám barríil hapáh cuitzaxö, zix quihmáa táax mos czáxöiha (El hombre llamado barril y otras historias). Pp. 4-8. México, D.F.: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. [compiled by Edward Moser and Mary Moser] (This text is based on the same recording as the one provided here.)

Mondragón, Lucila; Jacqueline Tello and Argelia Valdez.1995.Relatos guarijíos: Nawesari makwrari. Lenguas de México 7. México, D.F. Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. [includes several transcribed Seri stories with translations, including this one (pp. 98-104); this version of the story is copied from Romero 1975 (without acknowledgment) using an alternative alphabet.]

It also appears in Historias de los Conca’ac [sic], 1996. Pp. 75-80. México, D.F.: CONAFE in two different alphabets, both irregular in presentation., without acknowledgment of the source.

Texto editado en 2007 Text edited in 2007 Monolingual version of text

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